Sunday 29 December 2013

Ribbit Ribbit!

Can we all just take a moment to admire this beautiful stamp?

I can't stop staring at my red-eyed tree frog stamp. It's beautifully and skilfully carved to make it look like it's real, and it's polished look gives the appearance of the frog's moist skin! But what I really like is the fact the frog is sitting on an exquisitely detailed branch!

Little treasures like this can make my day.

Wednesday 25 December 2013


Hello there, fellow visitor! Welcome to my new blog! Blogging is one of the few things I've been dying to do for a long time, but never gotten the chance to. So, here I am with my newly created blog, wondering what posts I shall make in the future!

I love anything that is magical with a passion, and wonderland is a term to describe my "fantasy land", where my imagination run wild, and thus creating Magical Wonderland!

So, what would you find in Magical Wonderland? You would find...
-Places I've been
-Anything cat-related
I might be adding more in the future, but only when I'm good at it! It normally takes me forever to master something. :P

Well, that was my first post for this blog! Be prepared for more, so keep your eyes peeled for more posts! I hope you enjoy your stay in the Magical Wonderland!! ^_^